Mixman DM2 Demo

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Incoming Messages

Byte 0 - Status Byte 1 - Button/Slider ID
See Above
Byte 2 - Velocity
Buttons 0x90 <Button ID>
  • 0x7F - Pressed
  • 0x00 - Released
Slider and Joystick 0xB0 <Slider/Joystick Axis ID> [0x00, 0x7F]
Wheels 0xB0 <Wheel ID>
  • [0x00, 0x3F] - Turning counterclockwise
  • 0x40 - Not Moving
  • [0x41, 0x7F] - Turning clockwise

Outgoing Messages

Byte 0 - Status Byte 1 - LED ID
Same as button ID, see above
Byte 2 - Data
LEDs 0x90 <LED ID>
  • 0x7F - On
  • 0x00 - Off